Archive for May 1, 2008

Time to be with the Lord?

The Lord is good all the time.  Amen. 

This past Monday my oldest son was seriously injured in a bike accident.  He was going over his skate ramp when he lost control and flipped off his bike.  He landed face first and skidded across the concrete.  He was bleeding from his mouth and was unable to correctly answer basic questions. 

His brother Warrior and myself were outside when this happened.  I immediately ran over to Street and took him inside to clean off his face to see what damage was actually done.  He looked so bad and blood was all over his face.  I knew right away he needed to go to the ER.

 Once we arrived at the hospital they took him for a CT scan and  X-rays of his face.  They thought maybe he had broken some facial bones.  His little face was so swollen…and he had lost all his color.  He kept asking me over and over again what happened and if he was going to die. 

It was later determined that he had no broken facial bones but had a closed head trauma with a concussion. He was transferred to the main trauma hospital and admitted to the pediatric floor for over night observation.  They were concerned he might have a brain bleed.

Through this entire time Street was unable to answer basic questions like where he went to school, what year it was, when his birthday was, etc.  He was extremely dizzy and had a bad headache (migrane).

The amazing thing was…he kept saying, “I am ready to go to be with Jesus!”  He must have said this 200 times. 

Now, I share this b/c the faith of his 11 year old is astonshing.  He KNOWS who his Lord is and that he is saved by the blood of Christ.  This knowledge, for me as a parent, is reassuring but more importantly it brings me great joy!

We (I include myself) should all examine ourselves, repent and be grateful b/c we KNOW who our Lord is.  In times of joy and in times of distress, He remains faithful and true to cleanse us of our sins and carry us through our hardships.

Our God is an Awesome God,



May 1, 2008 at 3:54 pm

May 2008