Archive for May 5, 2008

Looking beyond ourselves…

A few days ago I was contact by Ron Mosby.  He is a professional in radio community.  He owes and operates his own radio show.  In the past I have been his guest and have spoken to his listening audience.  He is a God-fearing man and works to educate the population on important topics that directly effect the Christian community.

 He sent me this link.

 It refers to the large number of abortions that Planned Parenthood completes each and every year.  It also shows that this organization plays a huge role in continuing racism toward the American American community! 

 As I watched this clip, my spirit was deeply saddened and grieved.  I cried as these mutliple Planned Parenthood spoke women spoke about black abortion.  While I am against abortion as a whole, I am exceptionally against any form of racism. 


I know I am just one woman with one opinion, however, my voice represents many.  We must take a stand against these satanic attacks against our families.  God’s children are at stake and are being murdered for the sins of one or both of the parents. 

Pray that the Lord changes the way these moms and businesses think and conduct thier personal business (for lack of a better word). 

 Afterall, everything is the Lord’s business and who are we to alter life?  When Cain killed Abel, in the Old Testesmant, he not only  killed Abel but every child Abel was susposed to father.  Murder affects not only that one immediate life but those thosands of lives that were to come from that one soul.  It is ALWAYS bigger than us and our curent situation.

 If you are a mother or know of a mother who is considering abortion, please have contact me.  I desperately desire to help. 

God bless our efforts, pc



May 5, 2008 at 10:37 pm

May 2008